Jasper is a microcrystalline quartz that’s abundant worldwide. Yellow jasper gets its color from its iron content.
Focuses and Meanings of Yellow Jasper
- Slow and steady enlightening of energies
- Happiness, joy, optimism, and enthusiasm
- Creative Life Force
- Emotional clarity, confidence, and self-worth
- Prosperity and power
- The unfolding of new friendships and strengthening of existing relationships
- Responding to the needs of others in mutually empowering ways
- Attracting benevolent people, circumstances, and resources
- Attunement to Mother Earth
- Aligning upper and lower chakras
- Grounding during meditation and energetic attunement with earthly matters
- Psychic (emotional and energetic) protection from malicious thoughts, deeds, and intentions
- Establishing a sound spiritual, physical, and intellectual foundation in preparation for exploring new ground

Aspects of Life Supported by Yellow Jasper Energies
- Acknowledgment of sources of stress and anxiety – coupled with tangible solutions for neutralizing your nervous system
- The exploration of new ideas or brainstorming activities to generate a sense of motivation and inspiration
- Grounding to restore energetic balance after metaphysical work, intense interactions, or activities requiring prolonged mental or physical effort.
- Resolving misunderstandings in ways that leave all involved with a sense of acceptance and optimism
- Evolving out of comfort zones and stretching into your next-levels
- Soothing of an overactive mind through physical expression and release (like dancing, yoga, or hiking)
- Repelling effects of hearsay through a consistent focus on what you’re creating, discovering, and sharing with the world
Associated Astrology Signs
You are a Divine expression of Life manifested as sun-bathed Earth.
It’s true – remember?
Shine on. Joy is your birthright.
– Yellow Jasper