There’s Harmony in the Chaos

There’s harmony in the chaos we perceive, as the perception of one requires recognition of the other.  While harmony is the experience of simply Being as we are, chaos requires an active resistance to harmony.

What We Fear Reveals What We’re Made of

Chaos reveals what we’re made of as it calls us inward to resolve and release thoughts that disrupt our True power. Happiness and harmony require the willingness to follow our thoughts and feelings with an awareness of how they contribute to the chaos we perceive. This degree of self-reflection isn’t easy as it bypasses judgment, projections, and blaming in favor of self-accountability.

Our True Power

Harmony prevails when our mind, body, soul, and all Earthly things operate in life-affirming unity.

When living is easy, expansive, joyous, and free, and circumstances are blessed with life-sustaining synchronicities, we call miracles and anointing.

When the ways we choose to play with time and energy are naturally infused with a creative resolution that is uplifting and unifying.

As we’re willing to rise to chaos’ call for a return to the sanity we know in harmony, we realign with the dynamic, powerful peace we are Soulfully.



If you’re consciously releasing thoughts that counter your peace, I’m here to help you align with the harmony of your Soul.  Book a phone or video Soul Reading at

If we’ve yet to meet, introductory sessions are free.


Expand upon your Human experience through Psychic and Mediumship Readings, Life Coaching, and Soul-Centered Genealogy at

Need a moment to realign with your soul's flow?

Book a soul reading with Kimberly (introductory sessions are free).