Orange Calcite is a calcium carbonate sedimentary mineral. It’s mined worldwide, primarily in China, England, Germany, India, Mexico, Nambia, and the United States.
Focuses and Meanings of Orange Calcite
- Happiness and contentment
- Opening energy flow (emotions) among mind, body, and soul
- Drawing divinely-inspired creation into our Earthly material experience
- Playfulness
- Innovation
- Sexual energy
- Resolving karmic ties
- Recognizing Soul purposes
- Intentional focus on what inspires (attachment-free) joy
- Intuition
- Psychic sensory system
Life Aspects Supported by Orange Calcite Energies
- New beginnings that require focus infused with faith, and optimism
- Questioning, refining, and allowing mental chatter to dissolve through an intentional focus on the affirmative
- The process of rediscovering life when emerging from periods of grief and sorrow
- Acceptance of others as they are (releasing the illusion of control)
- Initiating action to generate momentum in a desired direction
- Vibrating away from emotionally disruptive entanglements through conscious attunement of your bodily, intellectual, and emotional energies
- Facing and resolving sexual and reproductive issues
- Giving birth
- Relief of emotional stress through a dedication of energy toward life-affirming activities
- Grounding the intensity of Kundalini rising through material invention or creation
Associated Astrology Signs
- Aries
- Leo
- Sagittarius
Celebrate your Soul purposes, master your skills, birth your ideas, and allow space (mental, emotional, and physical) for potentials you’ve yet to imagine.
– Orange Calcite