All I imagine belongs to me. My feelings about thoughts I nurture is my reality.
I intend to feel Good on purpose and with ease.
My dreams feature me
living Up to my potential,
Being in states of creativity,
in Joy, at Peace, in Unity
with All that harmonizes
with my Soul’s Calling.
Someone or something has disrupted your feeling world. It might have been blatant and swift, or it could have come on slowly enough for the source and…
What a captivating game we’re here playing. Of course, there are as many versions as there are people, each one Being equally fascinating, challenging, rewarding, valid, and True.
We’re all truly psychic beings – our feelings are proof. Feelings are your psychic senses in action, the language of intuition, instinct and insight. Your feelings are always valid and real (for you and only you). When you fully experience feelings through to their natural conclusion, you know exactly how they’re guiding you to honor your Truth.