When there’s nothing more to know
and no thing to say or prove,
you’re free to rejoin the Flow
that always welcomes you.
What else would you wish for?
This is all you’ve been seeking .
What else would you do?
There’s no need for completion or competing.
B r e a t h e.
Let Life flow through You.
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Trust yourself. Have fun. Trust your feelings. Be easy Trust Life. Live fully.
Suddenly, you’ll know
you are All that Is.
You will know
a tremendous sense of relief,
an unfathomable release,
familiar like family with
comfort, grace and strength
beyond the realm of human belief.
Love is recognizing yourself as another. We are the Love. One.
Need a moment to realign
with your soul's flow?
Book a soul reading with Kimberly
(introductory sessions are free).