Lemurian Quartz, also called Lemurian Star Seed, is clear quartz distinguished by horizontal lines and striations believed to hold ancient wisdom. It is found in Columbia and Brazil.
Focuses and Meanings of Lemurian Quartz
- Considered a master crystal
- Collective Unity
- Oneness
- Universal consciousness (knowing the physical and spiritual are of the same Source)
- Unconditional Love
- Awareness of your Soul self (Knowing Soul)
- Awareness of your ability to influence and direct the energetic atmosphere around you (alchemy)
- Activates a remembrance of Universal wisdom (realities beyond the confines of your mind.)
- Experiencing your True self (clarity, harmony, purpose, and peace)
- Dreamwork
- Astral Travel
- Divine Feminine
- Spiritual Awakening
- Keen emotional, spiritual, and intuitive awareness
- Channeling, psychic communications, telepathy
- Amplifies affirmations, prayers, and healing
- Communion with our Soul’s teachers
- Embracing life on Earth as a sacred opportunity to evolve soulfully
- Shamanic Healing
- Clears energy blocks (unresolved emotion)

Aspects of Earth Life Supported by Lemurian Quartz Energies
- Understanding why we are here
- Releasing old emotional patterns and connections that no longer serve your best interests
- Neutralizing the charge of emotionally draining relationships and circumstances
- Releasing fears and facing situations you need to resolve, but have avoided
- Clearing your energetic body of dis-ease
- Working through heartbreak, and feelings of isolation or loneliness
- Becoming aware of and accountable for your perceptions of our world
- Opening to the realm of potentiality when life feels limiting
Lemurian Quartz clears and balances all chakras.
Associated Astrology Signs
- Aries
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
Embrace this Earthly life as a series of sacred opportunities to evolve your Soul’s contribution to existence.
– Lemurian Quartz
Clear Quartz at The Soul Stone Store
Unique and functional hand-crafted cement censers infused with quartz crystals, metals, and minerals.