Labradorite is also known as the Stone of Magic. It’s mined worldwide, particularly in Australia, Canada, Madagascar, Norway, and the United States.
Focuses and Meanings of Labradorite
- Alignment with Divine Will
- Rebirth and regeneration
- Meditation and communion
- Recognizing the calls of your Soul
- Intuition
- Telepathy
- Psychic development
- Channeling
- Alchemy
- Dream recall
- Automatic writing
- Communication with higher planes of existence, such as your spirit guardians and guides
- Spiritual evolution through remembrance of ancient wisdom
- Fostering self-confidence
- Clarification of subconscious patterns
- Alignment with Soul purposes leading to inspiration, beneficial changes, and new innovative perspectives
- Serendipity
- Clears and balances the entire auric field
- Shields against lower frequencies (such as energy vampires)
- Preparation of the body and soul for crossing back into energetic realms

Life Challenges Supported by Labradorite Energies
- Evolving through the transitions associated with a spiritual awakening
- Clarity and protection from lower frequencies during mystical work
- Calming an over-stimulated mind
- Resolving insecurities and fears
- Creating innovative plans of action in times of transition
- Soul work: developing an awareness of universal laws through the recognition of the root causes of life experiences
- Practicing wise, benevolent, and conscious application of universal laws
- Breaking through assumptions, opinions, and judgments and aligning with the natural patterns of life (as we know it)
- Bringing blocked thoughts to light
- Dissolving the veil between the physical and energetic realms
The focuses of Labradorite open and empower the upper chakras:
- 5th Chakra (Throat)
- 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
- 7th Chakra (Crown)
- 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
- 9th Chakra (Spirit)
- 10th Chakra (Earth Star)
- 11th Chakra (Galactic)
- 12th Chakra (Universal)
Labradorite is believed to strengthen and protect the entire auric field, which is inclusive of all energy centers.
Associated Astrology Signs
- Cancer
- Leo
- Libra
May all that’s ancient, and all that’s yet to be, guide your Earthly journey.
Close your eyes and see.
– Labradorite