Consciousness Is When the Mind Chatter Stops

We naturally require periods of silence, but we’re conditioned to hearing and seeing something almost always. When the opportunity for silence arises, our over-stimulated minds rev up with mind chatter – random, worrisome, curious thoughts that commingle and influence those helpful, life-sustaining thoughts that support our well-being. The resulting anxiety and stress signal a loss of consciousness – forgetting what we instinctively know by Soul.

Regaining Consciousness

Just listen to your mind and notice the ways it’s searching for something now – answers, ideas, solutions, to be correct and clever, excitement, information, love, completion, food, acceptance, revenge, joy, validation… Our manufactured noise and the willingness to mentally engage with it all distracts from our Soul’s wisdom. Soul operates silently; in silence, we know our truths.

In silence, we become conscious of our mind chatter. We are then empowered to consciously ignore useless thoughts that have gained momentum from interactions with various media, people, worries, and memories. The brain doesn’t stop thinking, but we’re capable of tuning unneeded thoughts out until they’re overlooked – just as we can ignore a situation to the point of forgetting it exists. As you starve unnecessary thoughts of attention, they’ll eventually cease to live in your world.

Mindfulness and Soul Flow

We can calm our brains by soothing over-stimulated circuits with practice or divine intervention. As we master our minds, we can know silence in the noisiest spaces – anywhere, any time.

A calm and clear mind automatically conspires with Soul.  Your Soul is that ever-abiding Space that’s:

  • revealing answers to your questions (instinct),
  • offering solutions (sudden insights),
  • encouraging Love (heart openings),
  • guiding us to resources (synchronicity),
  • and responding to ideas that propel our personal missions (vibes and feelings).

Consciousness Is

In silence, you remember. You instinctually understand that consciousness Is always so when you let go. What the brain seeks is already known by Soul.

When the mind chatter stops,
you let go.

You See silence as alive
and know yourself as
a compelling,
effortlessly active,
unconditionally loving,
creative Force.

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Need a moment to realign with your soul's flow?

Book a soul reading with Kimberly (introductory sessions are free).