As you summon the courage to embrace the wisdom of your heart, your mind will naturally fall in love with your Soul as it witnesses what you are eclipsing the ever-changing who.
Articles, poetry, and resources related to Soul Purposes

Red Tiger’s Eye + Black Tourmaline = Grounded Passion
Grounding passion is like planting seeds in our Earth. Steady nourishment with the truest intentions in mind supports the transformation of passion into tangible, material realities. Black Tourmaline assists with conscious resolution of limiting beliefs, and Red Tiger’s Eye inspires the confidence to move forward with practical steps required to materialize passions in meaningful, life-affirming ways.
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A New Moon Crystal Mix for Spiritual Renewal and Earthly Evolution
A new moon crystal mix for energetic renewal and practical evolution.
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Orange Calcite
Orange Calcite is a calcium carbonate sedimentary mineral. It’s mined worldwide, primarily in China, England, Germany, India, Mexico, Nambia, and the United States. Focuses and…
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Every Triumph Begins as an Idea Rooted in a Dream
Every triumph begins as an idea. Manifested ideas have their roots in dreams. By dream I mean those benevolent visions and creative sparks that undeniably pull your focus toward a vision of you engaged in the Life you want to live.
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Your Presence Presents All Gifts
Your presence presents All gifts. How do you wish to feel? What thoughts will you decide to nurture? What will you choose to enjoy? How…
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What Are You Doing With Your Potentials?
What you imagine is potential, what you believe is questionable, what you know is probable, what you focus your energy on expands, what you actually do, Is.
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Passion Implicates Soul Purposes
Human Passion The passion that erupts from the limits of the human brain can be chaotic or sweet – sometimes both ebbing and flowing wildly…