Charoite grounds higher frequencies to the Earth. As above, so below.
Articles, poetry, and resources related to The 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
The 6th chakra, located between your brows, is also called the Third Eye. Intuition, self-knowledge (Knowing Soul), intelligence, psychic abilities, mediumship, channeling, learning, memory, and telepathy are associated with the 6th chakra.
Crystals aligned with 6th Chakra Dynamics
The crystals, stones, and minerals you’re naturally drawn to will best serve your intentions. Honor your Soul’s wisdom.
Crystals, rocks, and minerals that harmonize with the focuses of the Third Eye chakra include:
- Amethyst
- Apophyllite
- Azurite
- Blue Chalcedony
- Charoite
- Clear Quartz
- Fluorite
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lepidolite
- Moonstone
- Nuumite
- Obsidian
- Sodalite

Rutilated Quartz
Whatsoever is imagined, believed, and held on to, is so.
– Rutilated Quartz
Amplifier of Intention
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Please Be Kind To Your Heart
There’s no escape from feeling your existence. Your heart lives what your mind believes, so please be kind to your heart by honoring your feelings.
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Consciousness Is When the Mind Chatter Stops
We naturally require periods of silence, but we’re conditioned to hearing and seeing something almost always. When the opportunity for silence arises, our over-stimulated minds…
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Games People Play
What a captivating game we’re here playing. Of course, there are as many versions as there are people, each one Being equally fascinating, challenging, rewarding, valid, and True.
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Realizing Your Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities are realized for anyone willing to, or forced to, remove the mental blocks to their metaphysical senses. Intuition has nothing to do with what you think you know about someone or something, in fact it has nothing to do with the outer world – it’s all about knowing your inner experience. Realizing your psychic abilities requires a conscious choice to clearly see your Self.
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Drop I AM. What’s Left?
Drop I Am.
What’s left?
Freedom, abundance, and joy?
The mysterious, the known, the ancient, the new, the past and yet to come?
History, future, now, and the above, below and beyond?
Nothing, the wordless, all thoughts, ideas, all words, and every-Thing?
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We Are Presence Manifest
We cannot become present as we are presence manifest. We cannot awaken as we are Awake. We cannot become as we are Being. We cannot merely believe as we Know.
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Truth Always Feels Good
Truth has never hurt a Soul. Whatsoever is True, always feels good; our feelings exist to guide us to It. When you’re fixated on the…
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We Are Free In Love
We are free in Love! Acceptance, appreciation, intimacy, uncaused joy, connection, benevolently inspired excitement, peaceful Feeling, Creative Spark, compassion, Unity, All is Perfect As Isness,…