A Grounding New Moon Crystal Mix + Affirmations

Consciously align with new moon energies by establishing clear intentions for what you’ll release, renew, revive, and realize in the coming weeks.

A Grounding New Moon Crystal Mix

Clear Quartz: Accept and embrace what’s true and amplify feelings of gratitude.

Envision you surrendered and immersed in a life-affirming experience you love for no particular reason. Hold that thought.

I AM. There’s nothing more I need to be.
  • Are you willing to integrate more time and space for what fulfills and restores you?


Obsidian: The light and dark of our human experience in union as One.

Envision graceful resolution of feelings, thoughts, and situations that limit your Shine and don’t serve your well-being.

There’s no need to fear the dark or run from my shadows. Darkness is light I can’t see.
  • What are you ready to transition, revise, or complete?
  • What are the true reasons you’re ready?
  • What are these changes evolving into?


Selenite: Your connection to Space.

Envision your heart opening to free any emotion that’s stagnant or stuck within you.

All things are in perfect order – my breath is proof.


Pyrite: Earth is home, for the time being, this is the reality I must embrace to be Free.

Envision yourself easily employing habits and mindsets that feed your Soul’s Earthly purposes and missions. Follow that vision through to the rewards of consistent and disciplined effort targeted toward your dreams.

Hold that vision.

The people, places, and things in support of my evolution, prosperity, experience of joy, and peace are here as Earth with me.
  • What specific steps, tasks, or actions are you willing to take in the next few weeks to make progress toward your aspirations?


Create Your Own New Moon Crystal Mix

Working with crystals is a personal and sacred experience because you are practicing your unique exploration of universal laws. As you choose crystals to work with, honor what matches your intentions for your experience of Earth Life.

Crystals are points of reference that can be used to consciously focus your mind. Your intention, attention, and  emotion move the Earth and create your World.

Enjoy a blessed,
New Moon phase,
Knowing Soul!


Another New Moon Crystal Mix to Explore

A New Moon Crystal Mix for Spiritual Renewal and Earthly Evolution

You can also explore this new moon crystal mix focused on spiritual renewal and earthly evolution.




Clear Quartz at The Soul Stone Store

Expand upon your Human experience through Psychic and Mediumship Readings, Life Coaching, and Soul-Centered Genealogy at kimberlyvirdure.com

Need a moment to realign with your soul's flow?

Book a soul reading with Kimberly (introductory sessions are free).